10,000 CALORIES CHALLENGE Vegan Edition | Ft. John Rush | The Edgy Veg

Can we do the 10 000 calories challenge vegan? That’s the challenge vegan pro athlete John Rush and I have in today’s video.


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. 2 years later and I now discover your channel…and yesss fellow Canadians/Torontonians!!!! 🥰🥰😍😍❤❤🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽…and with that I was like wait no one is wearing a mask! Lmaoo

  2. I love oatmeal, just saying. When you get ancient and decrepit like me, you value the fiber to you up. Need fewer calories every year, you know. Oatmeal pretty much tastes like anything you put on it, so if it’s boring, so are you.

  3. It’s sad bc when I went to Toronto on vacation I wanted to go to all those vegan places bc I heard they were good but my family didn’t want to so I wasn’t able to try rhem

  4. What was the math for your calories per pound? I think perhaps Candice beat John 😉 ps I would never do this. I felt ill watching. Over eating at one meal is hard enough.🤢

  5. Wow I couldn’t finish watching the video, I felt like I was gonna vomit. I eat one small meal a day or once every two days, and just watching y’all eat all that food made feel like I had eaten it and was like nope can’t go on watching lol

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