A Realistic Day of High Protein Meals (Vegan Recipes that taste AMAZING)

Pique’s never-seen-before blowout Black Friday special is here. Get 20% off SITE-WIDE https://piquelife.com/edgyveg20. Run …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I have some Immi Eats ramen in my pantry, just sitting there because I find it kind of meh. But the tahini and plant milk broth enhancement looks tempting. I also have a jar of chili crisps in my fridge — I love the idea of putting them on the ramen. I’m inspired now to re-try Immi. Thanks!

  2. Wait until you hit menopause. I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight..until I hit menopause. Doing Dr. Mindy Peltz(Fast Like A Girl) 36-72 hour Fasting has saved me from all my menopause symptoms. No more hot flashes. I eat whatever I want(vegan) and cycle on and off the fasting. Weight just fell off.

  3. Don't know if this will be seen, but I wanted to say: You Rock! I've been watching your channel for the better part of a decade, and I learned a lot from it in that amount of time. It was especially helpful in my earlier years, but still one of my favs💚
    Because I'm underweight (from a host of autonomic nervous syndromes; I'm at mortality age for 1 of them) this is perfect for me. I've been eating a lot of healthy plant-based proteins, fat, and carbs, (4 about 1 mon.). I've been able to gain a bit since my profile pic was taken. I usually have a smoothie for breakfast bc I have much the same eating pattern, and I don't have an appetite until around noon.
    Great video as always👍

  4. I also have bad adhd and hyper focus on certain meals – i ate a version of a white bean dip with roasted tomatoes with basil, mini cucumbers, and home made toasted sourdough for weeks haha

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