Ask Me Anything | Vegan Friday Live Stream | The Edgy Veg

Every Friday Candice and James answer your questions! GET THE NEW COOKBOOK:


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. can you do a remake of papas rellenas please! It's a puerto rican dish that you find in cuchifritos. They're fried potato balls stuffed with meat… VEGAN please 🙂

  2. I often want tshirts with cute sayings but the problem is, everyone offers the same style or similar style shirt. I am plus size and dont wear clothes that stick to me or look like bags on me. I wear a lot of "A" frame or babydoll style clothing. SO, an alternative to your basic tshirt would be lovely!!!
    Califia is AWESOME! Wholefoods has them…the "bowling pin" milk – We buy the aqua bottle. They make juices too! Its not expensive IMO. HATE stevia – tastes so fake! I agree – aspertame
    I have exchanged a purse for a backpack or tote – I am hypoglycemic and have to carry drinks and food with me EVERYWHERE I go. Ive been Raw Vegan since May 2015.

  3. Could you veganize the cinnabon delights ? Ive seen them all over YouTube, and they look awesome but obviously not vegan so I've never tried them. 🙂

  4. Can I do the Chik fil a recipe without a deep frier? I'm making the cauliflower wings for my family this upcoming Sunday and I'm super excited!! You guys are amazing and I'm so glad I found your channel!

  5. Watching this at me leisure on Saturday night, 'cos that's how casually I roll up to this channel. Loved your reactions to the Rt4 question; emojis are for children–this is how adults express their deepest feelings! Enjoyed this Q & A very much as you two are enthusiastic, engaging, and seem to really care about your viewers. Thanks for posting!

  6. I'm from Spain and even though I know how to veganize many traditional non-vegan dishes, I recommend you the tortilla de patatas (potato omelette) with garbanzo flour instead of eggs. Some coca de mollitas or turron would be delicious too! ^^

  7. Hey doll, check out for any vegan makeup as Tarte and NYX are not vegan and cruelty free anymore which is a bummer as I used to use them too. So many companies have now sold out to bigger parents (L'oreal and Sishedo being the biggest players) who test on animals so every dollar you give these companies, a portion goes to the parent company who couldn't care less. Keep up the great work, I've only recently stumbled upon your channel and I love it!

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