Basic Knife Skills

Learn how to chop properly with your knives! Check us out on Facebook! – Credits: …


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About the Author: Tasty


  1. What kind of knife are you using?? I mean the grip you showed iam not comfortable with that grip using my knife 🔪 cuz it's like the blade is not that wide like yours?? Where can i get that specific knife like yours and what's it's name?

  2. You forgot to mention that you don't feed your veg into the knife, it stays put while your guide hand moves away revealing the next segment to slice. Never apply pressure at an angle where the result of any slippage drives your guide hand towards your cutting edge. That's an important element of safe slicing, and you do it perfectly, but it does deserve to be included as part of the basics.

  3. One thing to note is to also buy a honing rod for your knife. I had my new knife for a year now and wasn't aware of the honing rod. I nearly cut myself because my knife slid down the onion while I was cutting it and the cuts I made to the onion were either too big or squished too much of the onion's juice. A honing rod will make the knife cut more accurately and more easily.

  4. it's 4 am, and i've now watched videos on cooking, samurais, random videos from 1o years ago, man plays things on his calculator, rock climbing, cheese rolling, cheddar cheese, christopher nolan, buffalo wings, lord of the flies, ted ed quizes, inspirational videos, and a man talking about his wife. I think i NEED to watch some videos on the 2004 indian ocean tsunami

  5. I went to an interview, and he wanted to see my dicing skills, he said to julienne a green pepper(I didn’t know what it was) so I told him to explain and in his explanation he described slithers, so I did slithers just for him to come and cut it in a circle shaped. He tried to humble me when I came in respectfully and this video just shows me he didn’t know what he was talking about

  6. I should have watched this video two weeks ago when I literally chopped one of my fingernails. After watching this video, I will have all my 10 fingernails back! I'm excited. Teach us more, great lesson.

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