This bone-in-standing ribeye roast that is coated in garlic and herbs is the perfect meal to serve up to your friends and family.
Bone-In Standing Ribeye Roast Recipe a.k.a. Prime Rib

This bone-in-standing ribeye roast that is coated in garlic and herbs is the perfect meal to serve up to your friends and family.
I still prefer the reverse sear but that's a great recipe, I love the herb butter and using the potatoes to help cool the pan to help moderate temp and let the potatoes soak up all the roasting juices
How many times do I have to hit do not show this channel before you guys stop showing it to me? I’ve seen this and deleted it like 5 or 6 times already?
My compound butter is beef tallo etc.
Billy, I have never used thyme before, I have used oregano for 50 years. Not much difference IMO. I buy oregano by the ton. Just bought a jar of thyme for $5.00. Waste of same thing, waste of money.
Beautiful video. Just what I needed!
I have No Fear now!!
Trying it tonight!! Looks so yummy.
This looks unbelievable! But like…why cut the ribs off? I’m not a chef, this is why I ask
Sir, today is the third time since Christmas I have used your recipe. They have all turned out exceptional! Thank you for the excellent step-by-step instructions!
It's only AKA Prime Rib if you used a prime ribeye. The way you cook it doesn't make it Prime. The marbling does. It's just a standing rib roast.
Is the 30 minute @450 included with the 90@ 325
I used this yesterday to do a 3-bone roast and it tuned out perfect.
I didn’t have butcher string…my butter crust slid off 😢. It’s still in the oven. Hope it comes out edible 😢
This concept of allowing the residual heat allow the temperature to ride very rarely does work for me and I'm left with a totally raw piece of meat that I then have to put back in the oven at which point the meat will never be the same. This guy is expecting the internal temp to go up by 25 degrees after cooking buddy I'm sorry but that ain't happening hell no. Tbh 450 30 minutes yes then 350 for 30 minutes check the temp then down to 325 til done. U don't gotta use butter that's all gonna fall off plus ribeyes don't need anymore fat that they got. Canola oil salt and pepper all ur gonna need. Ribeye is the easiest piece or meat there is to cook that's why it's considered high end. Because it's pretty impossible to screw up
Ok. Who'd open the oven door?
The herb butter is better added at the end. This procedure doesn't allow the natural fat in the rib roast to render properly. Not the end of the world!
Thank you Chef Billy. I really enjoy all your videos and want to express my appreciation
Are these oven temperatures for a fan forced oven?
what if i dont have a food processor?
It's pronounced herb because there's a fucking 'H' in it!
Chef, I tried your prime rib recipe and loved it. Do you have a video for a boneless beef sirloin tip Angus roast 🤔
What if I want mine less pink? What should be the temp?
Why not reverse sear it? Less chance of overcooking.
It is not prime until it is graded Prime by a certified inspector. Otherwise it is just a beef rib roast. Prime is very expensive. A few years ago I paid near $180 for a 7 bone Prime roast. I looked at a PRIME roast last week at the grocery, two bone, $114.
Frenching the bones for this is pointless. Eating the ribs are part of the fun lol