Bucatini All’Amatriciana Recipe

Bucatini All’Amatriciana is a delicious large round pasta tossed in an easy to make 5-minute tomato-based sauce that is finished …


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About the Author: Chef Billy Parisi


  1. Funny this popped in my feed this Morning, I actually made amatriciana for dinner last night, only difference from yours I hand crushed my Marzanos and used much more black pepper

  2. Carissimo, complimenti per il video e per il tuo piatto. Se ti va posso iscrivermi al tuo canale. guarda anche la mia versione della ricetta originale fatta con gli ingredienti di eccellenza e con la tradizionale padella in ferro: https://youtu.be/4Q05Ke150hM e iscriviti al mio canale! A presto e buon appetito! 😉

  3. I’ve been loving your videos! Very professional, concise and friendly manner. My wife loves me even more when I cook your recipes.
    If you could find away to incorporate a print button that would be great. For now I take photos of the recipes and print from those.

  4. I was stressed because I bought pancetta, the recipe I had used bacon.. and I just hate bacon in my pastas. Probably because I always end up cooking my bacon unevenly. Getting ready to make it right now!

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