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Can I Make a Realistic VEGAN Caviar?

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You can buy some vegan caviar
I remember seeing a chef start with cooked peas, blend them, add alginate and then drip into a calcium solution. He made peas out of peas …
Walmart sells a vegan caviar that tastes like the real thing.
Cool, but MSG causes grey hair.
What is this incredible Kimpossible fit!!!
It does look like fish eggs
Isn't MSG supposed to be really bad for you?
Idk y anyone would eat caviar- people should really look up where they get it from – it’s disgusting 🤢
Caviar taste awful, so this is probably an improvement.
Upon further reflection, I may not have been clear in my first comment. I understand your desire to make your own seaweed caviar because you’re vegan. I have a similar issue in that I have allergies to many foods, and therefore have to make certain things myself to be able to eat them. I was merely trying to tell you that those are two sources for vegan mock caviar. Some are red and some are orangish. I’m going to try your recipe. Thanks.
No, no you cant. Vegans always copying the good food to make veganism seem decent. Reality is, vegans are bad people, because their favorite food(the avocado) is responsible for Californias droughts. In conclusion, vegans are terrible people.
Maybe i heard it wrong, but did you say, you put charcoal as food coloring? You should not eat coal when not medically needed, especially if you take any medication, I will absorb the ingredients of it, you wouldn't want that happen to for example your birth control pill, would you?
So much work to just not eat whats given to us from mother earth
Your hair looks like it has a filter on it
How is her hair that bright! It's glowing, it's sparkling, it's crackling!
Sea grapes would be a good substitute
All of those chemicals are definitely much healthier than eating actual caviar. 🙄
Did you really add charcoal ??
I literally just today studied about synthetic seed production that uses sodium alginate and calcium chloried to form beads containg plant tissues. 😅