Can These Chefs Turn An Outer Space Drawing Into Real Meals?

Series all-stars Rie McClenny and Alix Traeger compete to see who can make twins Audrey and Chloe’s outer space drawing into …


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About the Author: Tasty


  1. Matthew 11:27-30

    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  2. i love em' both, but its just shows a perfect example of an unhealthy american vs an asian who'd take that extra step in making sure not everything is basically processed, store bought, unhealthy, sugary and all the other things Westerns literally brought to life

  3. Audrey is complaining about EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL on the dish. Like bruh, you are lucky enough to be sitting there and you're tryna become really harsh on the chefs now? Audrey is just something else.

  4. When she was talking about what she was gonna do about the drink I instantly thought of rie’s color changing juice in one episode and it’s like Alix has been inspired

  5. omg Alix's face looks soooo different now after she had her plastic surgeries ☹️ wow. she doesn't even look like herself anymore. makes me really sad that her self esteem was low enough that she wanted to surgically alter her beautiful natural face. 💗

    (and before anyone tries to pretend it didn't happen lol: she has literally talked about this, it absolutely is true.)

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