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About the Author: Mike


  1. This was a great recipe which I've made before and again today, especially since the cupboard is practically bare due to self-isolating. Thank you.
    PS. Manjula, the grating sound of the metal spoon on metal, ouch!πŸ™‰

  2. Namaste Manjula. I made this for the second time tonight. I love your recipe. I think that it will become a main dish at our house. Thank you. I will invest in a blender so that I can make the tomatoe puree. Myrna Floyd Fort Worth, Texas

  3. Hello Manjula, I love your channel and I am watching because I want to learn how to cook Indian food. I was speaking with someone from South India and he said that it is hard to find recipes and restaurants that have as much of the hot chili powder as he is used to. He says American Indian food is too mild. Do you usually add a lot of the hot chili or are your recipes more mild flavored?

  4. Thank you, I will definitely try this as i ate it in India and it stole my heart . Please tell me what oil do you use? Is it ok to use coconut oil for the North Indian dishes?

  5. Thank you so much for this easy recipe MManjula! This has helped to build my confidence when taking on Indian dishes. How much amchur do you recommend for this dish?

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