Classic Steak Frites Recipe

This recipe comes together in under 45 minutes and is fantastic to serve up to family or guests at an entertaining event.


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About the Author: Chef Billy Parisi


  1. My husband always says, "babe your cooking is so much better than any restaurant out there!" I love that he loves my cooking. I take the taught fundamentals and apply it to all my cooking. ❤️

    Sometimes I do like to eat out to give myself a break from the kitchen lol

  2. One time my friend told me to zest a lemon, so i used a microplane, then he stopped me and said "that's not zesting, that's microplaning". So is there really a difference between the two or was he just being a perfectionist?

  3. What about, if you take Greek Jogurt instead of the Butter, cause it would be less fat.

    Don't blame me. 😉 Butter is delicious, 😊 but I prefer for my sauce greek (because of less water in it) jogurt. 👍

    ps.: I like that you take green onion, I like it also allot, with cheese it taste delicious. 😊

  4. Billy,
    I made this for my wife before I had surgery, as I knew she deserved a nice meal before I became a husband-baby. It turned out so good and I am enjoying your recipes and videos. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. My wife loved it.
    Now I just need a sweet apron to continue the passion.

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