jasmineandtea Cooking for one ep. 2–Poke Bowl One thing I love about poke bowls is that they’re extremely versatile and offer a …
Cooking For One Ep. 2 – Poke Bowl Lunch

jasmineandtea Cooking for one ep. 2–Poke Bowl One thing I love about poke bowls is that they’re extremely versatile and offer a …
Po-key is wild it’s po-k
Ohio just got one of these restaurants believe it or not 😂 I loved sushi before but it’s basically just huge peices of raw blue fin yellow tail or ahi or whatever fish you prefer thrown on top of rice but ur body actually likes it more than McDonald’s. I lived on the west coast and in Florida my brother was stationed out east so at least you can see n taste the difference
Did you give Jasmineandtea her consent b4 uploading this video? I hope you did. I would feel violated …
What is the white stuff
That’s gonna take me at least 1 hour
credit to jasmineandtea
Poke ball
$10 min? Let’s try under $10!! I’m broke!
not gonna lie, thought she said pokeball instead of poke bowl.
"anything from the fridge"
yeah a poke bowl consisting of
-gone bad milk
-moldy bread
-monkey brain
Where's the "PoKéMon"?😺
Pikachu i choose yo… wait wrong bowl
Bro raw fish? You can have salmonella thank you 😭👍
I can't not hear "Pokéball"
Looks delicious 🤤
It's raw!
Unintentional ASMR ☺️💜
Fish breath!
sniff… I miss HEB.
Everyone was so thirsty last time cus shes so dam hot and alone that they had to nerf her with only hands showing now. See what yall do?
That’s a lot of fish for one person isn’t it?
Looks nasty
Mmm yummy
You made a salad not a poke bowl
I want
looks delicious :))