Different Cooking Salts to Use

There are so many different cooking salts you can use so I show you 7 popular salts to use to help elevate the flavor of your food.


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About the Author: Chef Billy Parisi


  1. unless smoked, they all taste the same. only difference is how you distribute the salt over the dish via different textures. but there have been many blindfolded taste tests and noone could ever tell a difference between any two types of salt, given they were the same texture (i dont count herbal and smoked etc.)

  2. Thank you for make this video. I have a few salts and wondered how they compare to each other.
    I completely agree with you on the Real Salt from Utah. It is soooo delicious. I stopped using it in bread and sweets because it feels gritty. Do you have a solution for that? For breads and sweet things I switched to Celtic. My sister uses that one exclusively and introduced it to me, but it’s not as flavorful. No grit though.
    I keep table salt around for scrubbing cast iron pans. Maybe you taught that to me when you gave a lesson on caring for cast iron. I don’t remember. That was awhile ago.
    Thanks for all videos. I love them. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Here in the UK, the two 'basic' salts are table (fine) and cooking (course) neither would normally include iodine and it's bitter aftertaste, but are often pure sodium chloride (with anti-caking agents), as the other minerals have often been removed (so they can be sold back as supplements?).

    With the exception of the 'flour' salt (which did look a little like our table salt, but perhaps a little finer) I was familiar with all of the others, and more – which is in line with you stating the list was not an exhaustive one.

  4. Extreme novice/newbie cook here, salting is one thing I'm still struggling with. What does properly salted food taste like??? I know Chef Jean-Pierre says you should "find the salt" when tasting. Often, when I cook, my wife says, "it's a bit too salty", where I may think, "I need to add a bit more salt". What I'd like to do is take a class with a Chef and then taste THEIR food that is properly seasoned so I get an idea of WHAT I'm looking for when I cook at home. What about Maldon salt???

  5. As a proper saltaholic, I switched out table salt for kosher salt years ago. But over the past few years, I've found that many of the salts you mentioned here have a specific place in my kitchen. The only salt that I can't get used to is smoked: I find the taste offputting. Well done, Chef!

  6. One thing to take note of is that Sea salt has microplastics in it because of pollution in the oceans. I still use it but pink Himalayan salt is my main dig because of the plastic issues. 👍🏻

  7. Buzzkill here, salt makes everything taste better. I was going a little off the rails with how much salt i was using. If you have hypertension, be very careful with how much salt you use, it can substantially raise your. BP.

  8. Thank You for a well-done presentation. Enjoyed every minute of the explanation of the different salts. I use most of all of the salts you presented in this video. Best Regards.

  9. Thanks for this video. I’ve ditched table salt from my kitchen about 2 years ago and now only use kosher or coarse sea salt. I knew about the Pink Himalayan salt but not the others you mentioned. I’ll have to give them all a try.

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