ESSENTIAL VEGAN COOKING TOOLS: Kitchen Appliance Tour | The Edgy Veg

In today’s video, I wanted to share some of my best tips when it comes to buying and using appliances if you are vegan or thinking …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I bought a decent blender a couple of years ago and that poor thing has been used and abused every day since πŸ˜‚ Think it was the cheapest from an expensive range which was about 100 quid more than I would normally have dreamt of paying but it has earned its money! Got to sort those cashews out! πŸ˜…

  2. I’ve been on the fence about instant pots. I’d love to see great things to convince me to indulge lol. Also I think a video about homemade ice cream would at least dream about warmer weather

  3. I definitely want a VitaMix, my Nutri-Bullet does the job for now. I have never had or used a food processor…that is next for me. Can I ask if your spiralizer stays connected to your countertop via suction cups underneath? I have purchased one TWICE, paid far more the second time at a swankier kitchen tools store, NEITHER would stay connected or still. Is it possible to find one that stays connected! Is there a trick to it? I notice you didn’t mention a mortar & pestle, or a mandolin, but they aren’t really appliances either. Maybe a video on gadgets?

  4. Two things: when I was so anxious I had to give up coffee, it wasn't just caffeine. Going decaf only helped marginally; I had to give up decaf coffee and herbal teas as well. If you find it's only marginally helping you, maybe make a bigger plunge.
    Also, would love an ice cream video! I need more ideas!

  5. I have an addiction to buying appliances, got the vitamix, waffle maker, spiralizer, air fryer, kitchenaid mixer, food processor, juicer, instant pot, rice cooker.. I use them all frequently so to me that wasnt a waste of money buying them.. certainly makes cooking more fun!

  6. Will you bail me out if I get caught robbing a bank to afford all these appliances? I am def going to at least get the Instapot because my rice game right now is a real struggle! I usually buy the frozen kind! 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😝

  7. My stash is nowhere near yours. LOL I have a second-hand food processor that I love. A little Ninja type thing that is ok but definitely need a regular blender (saving for a Vitamix). I have a hand mixer, but I just prefer a wooden spoon and arm strength. I'm weird, I know. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say. LOL I have two or three coffee grinders (1 for coffee beans, 1 for regular spices and 1 for hot spices). I have a mortar and pestle (small) and that is pretty much it. πŸ™‚ Oh, and a slow cooker that I have to get a new plug for. πŸ™‚

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