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About the Author: Tasty


  1. I always use lime not lemon, they both got green skin was my logic. Think this matters much? . I am Caucasian and try my best to impress my 🇵🇭 wife 😂✌🏻 help. I took a sack of calamansi back to UK. We used them all up.

  2. Calamansi…..JUICE? Now the juice of a calamansi is just "calamansi". Calamansi juice is filipino lemonade and is the juice, sugar, and water. So which you wanting us to use?

  3. theyre now outsourcing all of their content, firing their video and writing teams, not linking or promoting the original creators, and doesn’t post full recipes. what’s the point anymore?

  4. Good stuff, would be nice if an editor would’ve directed you to add timing for the cooking, but I guess the goal is to get more traffic to either the tasty app or to the website.

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