You will love this delicious authentic Gumbo recipe jam-packed with chicken, andouille sausage, and okra in a tasty homemade …
Forget the Others, THIS is How you Make Gumbo

You will love this delicious authentic Gumbo recipe jam-packed with chicken, andouille sausage, and okra in a tasty homemade …
Nope. As soon as I saw the thumbnail — and okra — that was it. A trained and knowledgeable chef you may be, but you do NOT know how to make proper gumbo. Just as there are no beans in true chili, there is no okra in true gumbo. These are long-established, universal, immutable laws.
Holy crap…been saving scraps for home made stock for years, been watching YouTube cooking videos for years…and this is the first time I'm seeing someone who gets it.
Vegetable oil is a no no. Bacon drippings are much better for you and the flavor is great
Potato salad in gumbo learned that from john cheramie down in galiano la
My friend's dad who is a true cajun used to put hard boiled eggs in it just like you did in your recipe.
Hmmm really. Lally Brennan Said my seafood gumbo was the best thing she ever put in her mouth. That's when Emiril was working for them at Commanders Palace. She came back the next day to get some to take to him.
"…add in…." Drop in. It's redundant.
All gumbos are different but don’t agree w/ your claim of authentic. Raised in S. Louisiana.. nobody I know cooks a gumbo in steps like that. look at John Folse’s recipes. that base recipe is how real Acadians and grandmere makes authentic gumbo. Potato salad in gumbo is correct in Cajun country.. but not in NO.
Last step . Walkover to trash can and throw it away !!!!!
No ecravisse , no huitres , no lapin , no cocodrie , no chevrettes , no ourouron ? C'est no gombo mes ami !
what no bacon ,got to have the bacon grease ,like my okra slimy` ,like my gumbo with hot water corn bread.all recipes start with put the bacon in the skillet and start cutting up the onions/trinity .saved this to my list it's got to be great. had an aunt that lived in Covington Louisiana she would put chicken sausage crabs crayfish shrimp and oysters in her gumbo, she called it dirty gumbo you knew you had a meal when you finally had to just stop eating or bust.
Love your recipes, Chef.
Some other chefs recommend skimming the fat from the top periodically while it's simmering. Is that for health reasons, taste, or other?
What is your preference?
I get the 'tater salad with the gumbo, even a boiled egg or two, but it ain't gumbo if it ain't got shrimp!
Sweet Potatoes all the way!!! and crack the egges into the gumbo, it will cook and absorb all the liquid while the egg cooks.
Cajun here, you nailed it. I sautée the veggies when the roux is done and add the meat after, bout 45min tasting and getting my liquid to taste and thickness. But this, is definitely a Gumbo, and looks yummy!
I rufuse to use vegetable oil, would Olive or avacado oil be ok?
The only place you went wrong was not using Tony’s. And frankly, that’s where you went the most wrong haha
This #AsianCajun completely agrees with gumbo served with potato salad.
I am from Louisiana, great recipe, and yes Potato Salad goes in Gumbo!!!
You cut your andouille way too thin. Alexandria, La., here
that is a very involved way of making frango com quiabo
Looked good. I'll add smoked neck bone or hocks into the stock to get little more smoked flavor plus little more meat from the bones
Bravo on the gumbo ! job well done. Side note. Boiled eggs were a staple in Cajun cooking starting back during the great depression. It was a great source of protein in a time where money was scarce, and food had to be stretched to the maximum. However, it generally wasn't used in gumbo's. boiled eggs were used in stews.
This looks like an absolute killer gumbo recipe. And you talked me into the potato salad as well. Great video, Chef.
There is a history with folks adding eggs, poor folks in Louisiana when the meat ran low the next best thing was to add boiled eggs to it, it was a way to stretch the protein source and feed a big family, some traditions never die, folks still add eggs because of habit
The rue is the secret…do not burn it. I normally throw the trinity right into the hot rue. I used shrimp and any kind of sausage. Traditionally andoui is recommended but I find it too spicy hot.
I’m not into boiling a chicken to make stock. Tried it once but found the meat to be tasteless. If I am making a stock which I rarely do, I’ll steam the chicken instead. The meat retains some flavor and the stock is decent.
I had to make this….couldn’t find Andouille so I got a Portuguese chorizo which is similar in texture to andouille, some smoked sausage and a “Louisiana” sausage. It’s a spicy sausage seasoned with Cajun spices. I also had to forfeit the gumbo filé…couldn’t find it. So I have a gumbo inspired dish in lieu of full blown gumbo. Still very tasty. I’ll have to get gumbo filé on line.
A good friend grew up in cajun country and he told me most of the stuff that we think of as cajun food just isn't. Pot roast. That's real cajun. Didn't believe it, but on a trip to New Orleans once, I started to notice pot roast was on all the menus. I ordered it and, wow, it was good. Might be the same kind of thing as putting potato salad in gumbo.
Don’t put potatoe salad in gumbo! If you want it put it on the side. I know some misguided people do it but rice is for gumbo.
I make gumbo. Watch others to pick up ideas and tips. Got a few from you. Thanks!
Been making gumbo dozens of times a year and perfected the techniques and in my opinion you nailed it. Vegetables separate and mix with roux AFTER, little bit of stock and stir, little bit more stock and stir, brown the sausage and cook the chicken BEFORE adding to the soup, slightly less oil than flour for the roux!. Nice work!
100000%, potato salad in yo Gumbo!!
File' for sure, boiled eggs good too.
Cold Abita
Lil hot sauce
Followed to the T , this recipe sucks!!!!
Proof okra doesn't belong in gumbo. It grows in summer. Gumbo is winter food. 😁
Sounds good except for he ain't explaining it with American measurements so doubtful I'll ever use this recipe
Update: I am now making this for the 15th time since last year. I am feeding a dozen visiting coaches from a gymnastics camp. This recipe has never let me down. One coach is from Houston, so he probably knows a good gumbo when he sees one.
This jewish chef just made the best gumbo i can remember seeing. Of course, no shrimp or sausage casing, but the method is pure brilliance! Im going to add some of his tips in my next gumbo!
Probably can see from the comments, and maybe if you wanted more views lol. Don’t look like, well the way you look. And try and tell Cajuns to forget generations of evolution and perfection of us making our most signature dish lmao. Cause this is not better lol.
I make my stock day before let cool and store in fridge. Then you can remove the fat on top.
Your gumbo looks delicious! The roux was perfect for a chicken gumbo! We only put okra in shrimp/seafood gumbo & very few people put potato salad in theres. It’s usually served with rice with a sprinkle of file on top. I would eat your gumbo any day!
Chef Dude, Jacob's andouille in a gumbeaux is the real deal here in South Louisiaian. (In general, okra — and tomato — is more commonly found in a Creole/New Orleans vs Cajun gumbeaux, but not a hard-and-fast rule.) Egg and potato salad instead of rice: That's authentic down the bayou style. Allons manger!!
First and foremost, I'm from Houston Texas. I'm 66 years old. I've been eating gumbo for well, probably, as long as you've been alive.. I've never.
Ever seen a bowl of gumbo with a scoop of potato salad and a boiled egg in the bowl… I don't know who told you that was copacetic. But they lied to you. And please tell us where you're from
You should’ve told us that you like to talk, if someone is making the roux while you explain it the roux will burn because you enjoy talking so much.
how gumbo is made is how a louisianan or coast trash makes the gumbo. et voila! dat's how de gumbo made cher.