This guide will make cooking with cast iron a breeze! Check us out on Facebook! – MUSIC …
How To Cook With Cast Iron

This guide will make cooking with cast iron a breeze! Check us out on Facebook! – MUSIC …
Cast iron is the best pan unless you're just wanting to boil water. Then a stainless steel pot would be the way to go.
this is so laborious. ill just have slightly worse food
If you have a cast iron you want to reseason because it has an uneven seasoning and are fortunate enough to have a dirty oven. Put the cast iron in the oven and do the oven clean setting (without any chemicals).
Your cast iron will come out completely naked and grey. Ready for a fresh seasoning.
Or use stainless steel
I was just about the buy a cast iron skillet for my diet plan as it will be a minimum usage of oil in it i have decided to tell my dietitian to make my plan quick and now the cask iron takes 5-10 minutes to just got heated in which i want my meal to be ready. Now i am not getting it will buy non stick again, also it doesn't need seasoning!
I don't season mine, wash it with washing liquid and dry it. It's fine for everything 😂
I cooked on cast iron for the last 5 years and just recently switched to stainless steel. I gotta say, cast iron is the biggest waste of time. Everything cast-iron can do, stainless steel does better and faster, and the cleanup is so much easier. Also maintaining and going the extra steps to keep them shiny is also so much easier than the b.s. you have to do with cast iron. Oh also it doesn’t rust if you don’t BURN OFF every drop of water from the pan.
I think for many of us who grew up watching Mr. Rogers, he was the only adult who loved us unconditionally. Every day, no matter what, Mr. Rogers loved us just the way we were. He is so missed❤
you need to talk slower when you’re talking to someone who is trying to get information from you.
we have to run after you to catch up.
Very helpful vedio)
The laughing at the end 😂 love it
i bought one, but i will NOT do any of this things you just mentioned. I will just use it like a normal pan.
Getting older is realizing cast iron is a classic for a reason and that those non sticks are a waste of money
In the end when she’s says it’s like loving a good women. The more you give the more you get back. I lost it! 😂😂
Unnecessary responsibility
"Cast iron skillets may seem like a lot of work", well that's because they are. Food tastes the same on other types or pans lol
Most of the video and instructions/guides are good, better than useful even.
But you [presenter] MUST work on your talking skills: not everything is a question? Not every statement is a query?
SERIOUSLY. you'll sound more professional…
Yup. I had one. Threw it away. Not worth all the hassle. Get a thick bottom pan and go for it.
I mean just clean it after u use it and season it again ? What is so hard ppl?
I still have my grandmothers cast iron. It is like 50ish years old 😂
Why can't it just be called oiling instead of " seasoning"?
Super annoying voice and also wrong information. There's no need to season it. You can use soap to clean it. The only rule (iron rule?) is that you dry it very well. I towel dry it and heat it a bit on the stove before storing. I never put oil on it unless I'm cooking. Ignore these hipsters that like to overcomplicate things. Oh and I cook and clean with sharp metal utensils. The seasoning cult is insane.
I only cook with cast iron and stainless steel, but cast iron is my favourite! It tastes better, it seers better and they are far more fun to cook with. The cleaning, the seasoning, the cooking and the science behind them is also great fun! If you are a lazy toad, stick to lovely Teflon chemicals breaking down into your food with inferior seer and flavour. Extra effort equals extra flavour and no Teflon chemicals, oh and cast iron and stainless steel last forever, unlike Teflon that if lucky you get three years out of them.
I feel like the people who think this is a lot of work are the type of people who exclusively eat with paper plates and plastic utensils.
"Flaxseed oil is pretty expensive…"
Oil: $12-$13 for a 16oz bottle
Nonstick pan: they START @ $25 … each time you have to replace it. I got the oil! 😁 It's totally worth it for me.
Jesus christ this is fear mongering. Guys a cast iron does NOT require that much work. Just clean it as soon as you're done and dry it immediately. THAT'S IT
Mom said use crisco
This was a really good guide but after watching the full video i can say its not "easy" to maintain, in fact i can do everything you do with a cast iron skillet with my own professional non stick pan without all the extra work of heating it again after cooking with it, seasoning, scrubbing with salt etc, and I dont need to worry about acidity.
"the more you give the more you get". Love that!
too bad the handle burns your hand. poor design
LOL nice ending!
Anything but engine oil will work basically …got it
I aint doing all dat
a pain in the asd
Also don’t try and season the back of cast iron pans that have a finish. Like Staub pans.
Came for the cast iron, stayed for the cooking tips.
Honestly tho, that tip about waiting for the crust to appear and for the steak to give in on its own is something everyone should learn
I can barely season my meals, now I gotta season my pan?
The "seasonning" is so snobish ! it's for people who have time to waste……my grand parents did not have time and money to waste for doing that snobish "seasoning" stuff…………..
Love cast iron, also, as u maintain the season and keep cooking it actually begins to develop a flavor itself and seems to impart that into future dishes.
I love the last bit…”It’s like loving a good woman….”😂. Yes it is, and we love yall good woman!
1:48 did she let the pan cool?
I have a huge set of cast iron from my grandmother, who got most of them from her mom… my Great-grandmother. Mostly the Wagner brand, some Griswald and some so old that there's no identification on them. If you use them regularly, you don't have to fuss over them. I literally just wipe them out with a dry paper towel if I used it to fry in and then wipe a thin coat of liquid gold (bacon grease that I keep in the fridge) all over the entire pan… That's it! If I cooked something like a roast or stew, I would wash it like any other pan, set it in a hot oven for about 15 mins, let it cool down and then wipe bacon grease all over it. Either way, it's no more work using cast iron than it is using stainless steel… You just need to make sure it's dry before putting it away. Then it's ALWAYS ready to go like ANY pan.
shouldn't have bought this crap
Thats an whole investment
Raakshasi kahin ki
A lot of work has to be done
You know what I would rather do than clean my cast iron skillet while it's still hot? Eat my food while it's still hot!