Let’s chat!! Today I wanted to talk about making the switch to a plant-based diet and what you can do to make it easier! Whether …
HOW TO GO VEGAN | Beginner's Veganism Tips

Let’s chat!! Today I wanted to talk about making the switch to a plant-based diet and what you can do to make it easier! Whether …
How to go vegan: learn to FORCE yourself to eat disgusting, bitter crap that you actually hate. Yes, this woman here doesn't realize it, but when she says that "boiled vegetables are boring and disgusting" and that you need "spices, condiments and cooking techniques and recipes" to get yourself to eat them, what she is clearly (though unintentionally) saying is that VEGETABLES ARE NOT MEANT TO BE EATEN BY HUMANS. Grass tastes delicious to cows in its natural state. Cows don't have to add spices to them. Yet grass tastes bitter and disgusting to us. If you have to disguise the flavor of a "food" item in order to be able to swallow it, then it's OBVIOUS that your body is telling you NOT to eat it. When these vegans use spices and condiments, what they are doing is bypassing their bodies' security mechanisms and fooling them into taking all the toxic garbage in. It's actually quite dangerous.
Everything that's toxic tastes BITTER. The bitter flavor (and the rejection we feel towards it) is nature's way to protect us against ingesting harmful substances. That's why all alcohol tastes bitter, and that's why ALL VEGETABLES taste bitter too. Being vegan is literally biochemically torturing the hell out of our bodies.
One way to stay the course on your Vegan journey is to be Vegan for the animals. 🐷
Just be proud of yourself that you are part of something bigger than yourself, you are helping put an end to these horrific crimes committed against innocent helpless souls. 🐮
Plus cooking a Vegan meal is an act of Love and Kindness. ❤ 🌿
Your body is a Temple, not a Tomb for dead animals.
You will be healthier and happy and saving money on doctor bills. 🌻
Search up Indian vegetarian dishes. Then pick up the vegan dishes outta them. You'll find the best dishes you'll ever find. Thank me later👍🏻
Actually, your claim that most pastas are vegan is untrue. MOST pastas are made with eggs. Please read labels before buying.
Best practical tips I've heard!
Please consider what the building blocks of your food have been. When eating grass fed beef, you can be sure that that beef is made 100% from grass, and that grass was grown from the atmosphere. One never needs to fertilize a cow field.
When you are eating vegan crops, the chances are that the building blocks of your food have NOT been carbon from the atmosphere, but carbon from fossil fuels.
In every step of growing crops, fossil fuels are relied on heavily. Not just ploughing the fields and harvesting, but feeding and protecting too. Those essential fertilisers and pesticides are made using fossil fuels for raw materials and energy. When we eat vegan crops, especially, we are contributing to global warming on a horrendous scale.
You're not just burning fossil fuels extraneously, you are burning them in your body now too, because that is what your food was made from. You are essentially polluting the planet, like a gas guzzling car, just by breathing.
Ok- so- we all know that Veganism is woke! It is completely unethical (you want to remove all wildlife and harm trillions of animals with your massive mono cropping- and vegans said they would harm any animals or humans that try to mess with their mono cropping- and you want to replace all wildlife with human infrastructures. Vegans laugh when we mention how trillions of animals are harmed to produce food for vegans. Veganism also is narcissistic. You cause deforestation and harm eco systems ), veganism is based on a religion that is against god’s natural circle of life, and veganism is completely toxic to humans (anti nutrient, not bio available, and naturally toxic! ) Your mono cropping equipment and packaging factories put out more gas than one cow! Stop the vegan propaganda! Veganism is ending! Vegan propaganda of “save animals” and “save planet” is all a fake agenda to trick humans into it! Terrible! Veganism is an oxymoron!
Love your channel. Im new to eating 100% plant based so these tips are all super helpful. The transition has been really fun and exciting! Ty 🙏
This has been thee most helpful video! I live in Montana and my shopping options are almost non existant. I've been veggie for 7 wonderful months and vegan for about 2 weeks. This girl is riding the struggle bus for sure😂😂😂. Thanks so much for your kindness and help!!
Speaking of BECHAMEL: OMG those people that say, "We solved milk" actually did❣ I make béchamel sauces now with oat milk instead of anything else and it is so neutral, with the vegan butter and flour roux, you cannot tell the difference. I just had to figure out the ratio. The conventional ratio was 1:1:1 meaning 1 Tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour for 1 cup of whole milk. The oatmilk bechamel is 2:2:1. Thickens up and carries flavors just like the original. It is amazing and there is no reason to give up anything at all, anymore. People can't tell my vegan lasagna is vegan.
I want to buy your books, but they are only selling hardcover books. Are you planning to make your cookbooks available in Kindle format?
That would be helpful to us with visual challenges and it would seem to be more Eco-friendly.
You’re awesome Candice. I look forward to every video. Obviously you have a cooking channel but maybe you’d make an updated “why I’m vegan” or the differences of choosing to be vegan instead of only being plant-based. I also enjoy your flying off the handle ex-girlfriend rants. I wish you peace and love for yourself and others.
#drodukuhome your herbal medicine really worked my HSV is gone
i don't consider palm oil to be vegan. It is in a lot of processed foods that even call themselves vegan.
I can’t find good vegan meat I don’t know why but it don’t look good it smells awful I don’t know 🤷
First thing that really inspired me when I started eating more plant based was recipes! I received a few vegan cook books as gifts and 3-4 days out of the week, I would choose a recipe from the book and make it! It was fun and I feel like it improved my cooking skills a lot!!
Another thing that I found super cool was TVP. If you love bolognese or chill, try throwing in some TVP instead of the ground meat and you’ll be amazzzzed!
Good luck to anyone who is planning on going vegetarian/vegan or even just trying out meatless Monday’s! Before you know it, you’ll be inspiring your friends and family to cut down on their meat consumption!
You’ve got this 💕
You're Canadian?? So cool!!
I had to downgrade myself to "aspiring vegan" just because I don't understand protein well enough and I wasn't getting enough in my diet. (So I eat eggs and stopped worrying if milk was an ingredient.)
I'll review your channel to see if you have any "about protein" videos.
You are just gorgeous, love all you stand for on this channel! Much love 💖💖💖
Thankyou I've learnt so much,I'm in the UK where can I purchase your book.thankyou shaz
Since I'm Vegan but I'm also Nutritionist I would say don't forget to check the integration vitamins B12 and check regularly the level.
I cannot believe that I completely forgot about using the slicing/grating blades on my Cuisinart! Thank you!
Can you do a video for vegans with high blood pressure without losing the flavor of good food?
We make vegan cheese sauces, chick pea cookies, banana ice cream 😋
And YALL the Vitamix is WORTH the investment!! We actually got a refurbished one for waaay cheaper and it’s been going strong for over 5 years!
Can you please respond to the issue of non vegan coatings on citrus at grocery stores?
I don't get it. Why do a lot of vegans feel they need to blemish their beautifully clear skin with tattoos all over? I'm vegan but I'm not into needless pain from ugly inks. That's a total turn off for me, and not to mention the fact that it also harms the reputation of vegans in general as it makes them look like junkies. PETA please continue to encourage a healthy vegan diet but not tattoos. No mink nor ink !
And being vegan doesn't have to be healthy! Which many ppl think it is but you can still eat vegan burgers and French fries and be vegan! I recomend ppl to go out to vegan restaurants if they can like once a month or something and try differnt vegan dishes to expand their paladare.
Trying new things is definitely helpful! I haven't tried avocado until I went vegetarian at 21 years of age. I didn't like it because I had no idea how to eat it or know when it's ripe. But now I love me some guacamole!
Thank,you wish to have some lough,we make experimental vegan prank in Russia:
You can always HIDE Kale and other greens in sauces, dressings, cheeses… almost anything as long as you don't care about the color green. do smoothies etc.
“for the love of god season your food!!!” Lol seriously this is a huge tip
THIS IS AMAZING TIMING I’m a new vegan, currently 11 days in. Such helpful tips!
You're so cool!!! 🙏