How To Make The Ultimate Prime Rib

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About the Author: Tasty


  1. Another way to cook your Prime Rib in a full proof way.
    1) Heat your oven to 500 degrees F
    2) Cook PR for 5 minutes per pound
    3) Turn off the oven and Do Not open the oven for 2 hours.
    4) Remove PR for approximately 30 minutes to rest. Juices are absorbed into the meat.
    5) Carve and serve. 1.5 inch thick pieces is perfect.

    If you’d like the outside of PR to be crispier take your blow torch ( Not Elon’s) and crisp up your PR.
    Merry Christmas Enjoy

  2. FYI – with meat this large, you gotta reverse it. Start slow …. then pull it at 120'-125'ish … rest it for 30-40 minutes — THEN blast it for 10-15 minutes … that's how you get the beautiful crust, and more importantly, the entire roast will be medium rare from end to end. If you cook it super hot first – and then slow cook it, it's overcooked (gray) for the entire 1 inch or more around the outside edge. Like shown at 5:35. Just my 2 cents after cooking it both ways.

  3. Does this steak taste better than a ribeye? I’ve tried different steaks over the last few years cause I’ve gotten obsessed with cooking the perfect steak but got stuck on ribeyes cause they taste the best to me.

  4. I don't know who stole from who but this video is verbatim a video posted by a youtuber called Kelvin's Kitchen. I mean one of them literally copied the script.

  5. I’ve made this recipe over 15 times. It’s perfect if you like medium rare. You can increase time a bit if you want it less pink but seriously the end pieces are good enough for those who do. I let mine sit covered for 3 hours and finished up the rest of the dinner. Less stressful and clears the oven for roasted veg if making and Yorkshire puddings.

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