HOW TO TRICK PEOPLE INTO EATING VEGAN | 138 Carnivore-Approved Vegan Recipes | The Edgy Veg

BUY THE EDGY VEG COOKBOOK: Here is the only vegan hack you need in your life. How to trick …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. That's so fckng stupid and YouTube is promoting this garbage to me obviously you paid for the promotion. You can't build your audience with this kind of bullshit. Your vegan diet is s pile of shit and you regret it everyday. I've never seen a bigger case of denial. You look for meat everywhere. Instead of all these fake shit just eat the real thing. You will never convert any normal people to your fanatic cult.

  2. AHH!!! Im so excited for you!!! This was awesome by the way XD ! I can't wait to get your book! Your my all time favorite started out cooking vegan food watching your videos 4 years ago. All of your recipes are awesome! <3

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