I Tested 3 YouTubers VEGAN LASAGNA Recipes | Avantgardevegan, Cheap Lazy Vegan & Caitlin Shoemaker

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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I always come back to this video because I cook Gaz's Lasange from time to time (it's my favourite food!) but I always love seeing Roses recepie and am super keen to try it out for the cheapness! 😍

  2. I am a new vegan and I loved this video. The only thing I would appreciate more would be if you had had a link to the blogs of the other people’s lasagna that you had done so that I could go look at the recipes myself.

  3. I’m going out on a limb here.. and I was born a vegetarian borderline vegan I only cheat with certain cheese occasionally.. so is the “eggplant lasagna” not essentially eggplant parm?? I’m serious 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. Great video, I love your tips and authentic reviews! I'm going to try out your ricotta recipe. As someone with celiac disease and grain allergies, and a partner who nearly died of a "widow maker" (as the surgeon called it) heart attack and stroke, I make my own oil-free, seasoned veggie broth out of veggie scraps for sauteing. I cut large eggplants diagonally with a mandolin, and make my own cauliflower cheese sauce (made stretchy with a bit of tapioca starch). The eggplant melts in your mouth and I don't even miss gluten free lasagna noodles anymore. I'll have to try your bechamel sauce recipe, never used that before. So glad I subscribe to all three of you!

  5. It's a damn shame I been subbed to Cheap Lazy Vegan for years & didn't know or forgot her name 🤦‍♀️🤣 I honestly be referring to youtubers, by their YouTube name & don't even know the name of who I'm subbed sometimes, I just love them & their content lol

  6. I like this trio that you pit against each other! But whatever you choose next please consider involving SweetGreensVegan and Chef Joya and RainbowPlantLife. Maybe for their brownie or fried chicken or mac and cheese. I need to just hunker down and make RainBowPlantLife's Ultimate Brownie myself, but these ladies all really look like they know what they are doing. (and of course, so many other chef's too, but I kept it to 3)

  7. Very grateful for your respectful manner when doing comparison recipes. like how u refuse to prebake any of them, because they all must be hot and soft and fresh outa the oven AT THE SAME TIME to do a fair comparison! i wonder how the competitors on masterchef feel considering they dont use staggered starts and finish times? They all start at the same "GO!" time… & all have the same finish time when theyre told "SPOONS DOWN ~ TIMES UP!" Then the judges spend the next hour (at least i'd say) getting all the wanna-be chefs to bring up their completed meal to be sampled & critiqued. Ive seen a few episodes of Masterchef (years ago) and it seemed to me that the judges frequently raved about the first couple dishes presented; then somehow the last few meals are just never up to par? i always think to myself…HMMM…..IS IT NOT GOOD ENOUGH COS NOW ITS GONE COLD? OR IS IT COS THE JUDGES HAVE JUST EATEN A FEW BITES EACH OF 2 DOZEN OTHER MEALS… SO THEY'RE ALL FULL AS GOOGS NOW??

  8. Candice says use 3 big flat lasagna noodles for the bottom layer but only 2 for each noodle layer thereafter, cos u need a solid bottom as the base to make a good lasagna. using that criteria, me personally, if i were a lasagna, i would be terrific.

  9. About béchamel, usually you remove the veggies that flavor the milk but there no mistake leaving them in. If you end up with a lumpy sauce because the flour didn't blend perfectly, use an immersion blender to smooth it out. When I make béchamel I dump the milk all at once, and vigorously whip it with a big wire whisk, until it thickens.. It thickens fast, about one minute.

  10. This video is so polished, nicely presented. You always look your best, love that blue outfit. Very classy. This taste test was impressive!! Lots of work but you had delicious meals to freeze. Thanks for inspiring us.

  11. In Gaz's recipe, does "dried lasagna sheets" mean the same thing as "oven ready" lasagna sheets found in the store? And can his recipe be assembled a day in advance and stored in the fridge before baking?

  12. My Favorite Vagen chief's all in one video❤❤❤❤😀😀😀😄!! How awesome is this?? Thank you Candice for bring this video together and for the amazing Recipes⚡⭐😁😛😅!! Much love from South Africa🌍💚🌱🙏

  13. I really love these videos, just the idea behind them and the execution and everything that goes into them, definitely thank you for doing these.
    I think an awesome addition would be, after tasting different versions, to say how you might take the best parts of each dish to bring them all together. For instance for this one it seems like a great addition to the Cheap Lazy Vegan dish would be to add the bechamel from Gaz.
    At first I thought, 'hmmm maybe it's impolite to try and improve on another person's riff' but then I realized that's what all these recipes are anyway, different riffs on a classic. So why add in your take?
    Anyway thank you and awesome work!

  14. Gaz' video of the lasagne recipe differs from the written one. He finely chopped the red onion and celery, and made a point of saying to season at each stage in the reccipe. He cut the eggplant and zucchini into smaller cubes than you did. As far as the tins of tomatoes, I'd assume 14 ounce cans.

  15. All those tofu ricotta looked so dry. Please use Camille Labchuk spinach ricotta recipe to any lasagna recipe you use. She's not a vegan food blogger but her Instagram has a photo of lasagna with the BEST ricotta I've ever used. So creamy.

  16. It would be interesting if you tried “shine with plants”, “Korenn Rachelle”, and “rawkristina” foods.
    Bforeal , ghetto vegans, that chocolate vegan, thee burger dude. Sauce stash, fly vegans, fineapple vegan, bosh, etc.

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