Is Lab-Grown Meat Healthy? (Would you eat it?!)

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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. That’s just a bandaid, not a behavioural change. The only way to get humans to stop craving murder is to remove the very source of that craving. Though, I guess it could serve as a similar purpose to nicotine gum but for people new to veganism.

  2. Absolutely tf not for me because it's grown in a lab. Making it, for me, an ultra processed food. It is the same reason I stopped eating things imitation meat. I will stick with my jackfruit, tofu, mushroom, and far less processed alternatives.

  3. I think it’s foolish for vegans to dismiss this. The amount of suffering this could end is more realistic than everybody going vegan.
    I think you have to use all the tools in your arsenal.

  4. I need to know more. Will it have the same properties as animal meat? Saturated fat? Cholesterol? Nitrates/sulfates? Hormones?

    I went vegetarian/vegan/plant based to deal with my food allergies and sensitivities. It's nice that it saves/stops torture of other sentient beings but if it has the same things as meat (the things I have allergies/sensitivities of), no, it's definitely not for me.

  5. I feel like this would be good for cat / pet food. I wouldn’t eat it personally but would consider it for my cats if it was the same price & still healthy for them. Currently cat food is the only animal products I buy so I’m always looking for the most ethical sources.

  6. I've been looking into a few companies that have been doing this for years. One started in Singapore and was hoping it would come here. Last year when I heard that the FDA approved lab meat here, I was excited! I heard a chef in DC is offering lab chicken in his restaurants. I want to visit there just to try it!
    Hell yes I would try it! You don't have to breed and slaughter an animal, it's not destroying our planet, not giving us cancer, we will have more available plants to eat since the animals aren't anymore, and the cells apparently last forever to use over and over. It's a win win win win win all around! I think it's the answer to shutting down factory farming and this should be our only option. That way meat eaters will need to get over it whether the like it or not. Nothing can be more unhealthy and toxic than meat processing. Did you hear about the place in India that made selling or buying meat illegal and shut down all the butcher shops? I recently saw a video about it. That's what needs to be done everywhere and lab meat will take over.

  7. No I wouldn’t eat it,for 1 how many times is a biopsy done on one animal,2 what happens to the animal when they have finished with it 3 would a human want a biopsy done on them,4 it’s still abusing animals & they have no say.

  8. I don’t want to eat meat period. But could be a good option for omnivores when we inevitably have to stop factory farming due to the effects of global warming and climate change

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