Jaljeera Drink (Indian Flavored Lemonade) Recipe by Manjula

View full recipe at http://www.manjulaskitchen.com/jaljeera-drink-indian-flavored-lemonade/ Learn how to make Jaljeera (Indian …


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About the Author: Mike


  1. I am an indian and it was the best jal jaljeera I ever had! Thank you for helping save this ancient Indian drink from being forgotten, in India Pepsi and Coke are depriving the new generation of the benefits of this delicious and very beneficial summer special !

  2. You can make jaljeera with only 3 ingredients. Take hot water in a cup. Then dip a green tea bag in it for 3 mins. Then add 3 teaspoon of jeera in it. Now add 1/4 lemon juice and 2 teaspoon of salt in it. Mix well. Add 3 ice cubes in it and allow to melt. Now put ice cubes in a serving cup and add the liquid in it. Your jaljeera is ready.

  3. Thankyu for this lovely recepie .. can it b taken on anytime of day or is there any particular time to have jaljeera?? I mean can we replace it during teatime instead of tea??? Or to be taken on empty stomach??

  4. Hey all of my foreign friends i wanna say that please make this drink according to the recipe provided in the video of this
    channel because That jaljira powder which is being selling in stores are not tasty like that they are just very simple

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