Professional Chef Makes COLCANNON for the First Time

This creamy delicious Colcannon recipe is loaded up with braised cabbage and tossed with crispy bacon and leeks. You will only …


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About the Author: Chef Billy Parisi


  1. I made this recently. Tasted good, but personally, I'd have mashed potatoes and the cabbage separately as the cabbage in the mashed potatoes doesn't fit well with me.

  2. Can't wait to make it! Ever thought about makin some Scottish cuisine? I realize of course that this phrase is a bit oxymoronic, but there has to be something you could make that isn't Haggis. 😂

  3. This was very good and my new sidedish to corned beef for St. Patty's Day. The only thing I changed was to add a bit more bacon, allow the cooked potatoes to dry a bit longer, and use of a ricer instead of a food mill (which I didn't have :(.

  4. Potato, cabbage, carrot and Rutabaga, aka turnip in these parts, with lots of fried onions, butter and black pepper. Served mostly with Lunenburg sausage, a traditional Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia meal. Called Kohlcannon here from our German heritage.

  5. Isn't Colcannon just the veg left over from the corn beef and cabbage dinner on St. Paddy's? I know the boiled dinner isn't from Ireland, it was originally what the Irish emigrants ate when they migrated to the US because corn beef was the cheapest and cabbage and potatoes were abundant, I am actually making pancackes with my leftover Colcannon.

  6. A delicious looking recipe, I'll give it a try . . . with a twist. Mashed potatoes with snipped chives added is very popular in our house. But I always add a few cloves of garlic in to the cooking potatoes which elevates the flavour by a few notches, and then add plenty of pepper when giving it all a final mash together with milk and butter. Now I plan to do this recipe but with garlic included and I'm sure it'll work fine. I'll let you know how it worked out.

  7. As long as the potatoes aren't waxy you can't go wrong. No kale, green cabbage,scallions(green onion) and plenty of butter and double cream. Use a potato ricer if you have one. It's gorgeous with Bacon,Ham,or Lamb or even Beef Steak. Plenty of seasoning. Irish Mother of 64 and a bit ,it never lets me down. Enjoy.

  8. Nooo. Not Savoy. Not Kale. Not a fussy "food mill." Potatoes. Green Cabbage. Onions. Milk and Butter. Bacon and Ham. Boom… pure comfort food. (Leeks and Scallions I can entertain, but don't mess with tradition too much folks.) Happy warm bellies to everyone.

  9. I’m considering making this tonight to serve with braised short ribs – I know I can do a regular mash for short ribs but something about this recipe keeps pulling me back and I so want to try it! I make something similar-a Dutch dish called boerenkool with kale , mashed potatoes and kielbasa so I can only imagine this would be just as delicious!

  10. I did just the opposite of making it complicated and a 3 pot dish, I make it simply as a one pot dish!

    I put the sliced potatoes into a frying oan & just cover with salted water, cover & cook on low
    When they are about 1/2-3/4 cooked, I toss all the shredded cabbage on top as well as thinly sliced leeks and maybe scallions too, if I have both.
    I cover again & let the cabbage steam. When cabbage and potatoes are cooked, I drain off any remaining water , add cream, butter, salt & pepper and just mash in place with a hand potato masher! Soooo simple!
    A ton if cabbage just disappears into the potatoes and it’s so quick & easy, I make it frequently all winter

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