Q&A: How to plan a Vegan Wedding | The Edgy Veg

Today we are going to answer all of your burning questions about our 100% vegan wedding! We will be answering question on …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. Our venues sound so similar! Ours is a historic hotel that was built in 1880, burned down and rebuilt in 1910. It’s stunning and has the perfect Victorian western mix, it’s my favorite part about our upcoming wedding! Ours will be vegan too, custom menu by their on site award winning chef. I am so excited to start creating the menu! Thank you for all the tips and advice!

  2. It's pretty simple. Go to county clerk office: get marriage license. Go to courthouse: get married. We did have a dinner afterwards at a vegetarian restaurant with our witnesses. I totally disagree about not telling guests what the food is made out of. Some people have allergies. I wouldn't invite carnist scum to such an event anyways. But seriously don't waste money on stupid weddings. You get nothing but a memory that fades with each passing day. Invest in something you can enjoy or use every day.

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