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About the Author: Mike


  1. Manjula Antie Ji wow it turned out so nice! I use to put to much water in it from you I learnt not to put too much water! 🥰❤️it turned out perfect can’t stop eating

  2. Tried this for the first time using Manjula's recipe and they were great. Lovely smell from them – not sure if that was the amchoor or the other spices. Three comments. First, her spinach must have been a lot wetter than mine. I used a lot more water to get a consistency that you could make into a small ball for frying. Second, I would advise against using your fingers to put them into the hot oil – unless you have been doing this all your life (like Manjula) it is a good way to get badly burned fingers! A dessert spoon is safer. Third, temperature of oil is critical. I used sunflower oil and a thermometer to check that the temperature stayed around 170 – 180 degrees centigrade. After 3-4 minutes they came out cooked, crispy but not at all greasy. Can't remember how I came across Manjula's recipes but they are a great find. Love her presentations – clear, helpful, no nonsense! Miles better than Nigella Lawson!!

  3. Pakora is my favorite snack to order at Indian restaurant! I will be making these thank you so much for the clear directions! You are loved very much Manjula thanks again for sharing your art with the world!

  4. Auntie ji I have to say, your Recipes Rock ! Thanks so much for sharing ! My wife is Italiaan and she thinks ur the best cook for learning how to make Indian Food ! 

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