Starbucks Oreo Frappuccino Recipe VEGAN | The Edgy Veg

Learn how to make a Starbucks Oreo Frappuccino at home with good for you ingredients… and cookies! This vegan Oreo …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. Guys I've just launched a crowd funding campaign for my Dairy-free milkshake venture! If you'd like to hear more about what im doing The link to my project page is: My university will match fund every pound donated so literally every contribution would be a boost x

  2. Pro tip – freeze your left over coffee into ice cubes and use those instead of ice. Your ice will melt into MORE COFFEE (but you'd probably do well to take out the espresso in that case).

  3. Almond milk frappichino with honey crunch please!! I absolutely loved this one, but it was only a special in Japan for a month last year. Would love to try a vegan version

  4. Almond milk frappichino with honey crunch please!! I absolutely loved this one, but it was only a special in Japan for a month last year. Would love to try a vegan version

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