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About the Author: Tasty


  1. This method will turn your rice to mush, depending on the type. My fellow Mexicans…. DON’T do this unless you want to feel that Chancla slap for years afterwards every time you go near the rice stash. (It isn’t pretty…)

  2. Yeah, don't wash the rice, because your mother doesn't deserve it. Remember, she's about to kill you if the rice isn't already done until she's at home. It's called the "BuzzFeed logic"… 😉😏

  3. Americans. All added none necessary steps. Apparently dudes balevianguhdyhn. But ahh I was saying koreans fry the rice already cooked🤧…is it a cultural thing?👀

  4. 2 parts boiling water. 1 part rice. Simmer 10 minutes with lid on. Done. Do not cook for 15 minutes. There will be no water left and you will overcook your rice

  5. Boil “hot tap water” to shave off another 3 or 4 minutes also.
    I do this for my tea kettle too if I’m in a hurry. They say not to but I’m not sure why. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. I've never even seen a rice cooker. I make it on the stove. I just cook mine backward to this recipe. Boil the water and add the rice. If the rice stops the boil, wait for it to come to a boil stirring occasionally. Once the boils achieved put on the lid and turn the pan to the lowest setting for 15/20 mins. Perfect every time 😅

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