Tomato basil soup vs hot chocolate paired with a grilled cheese sandwich… Who’s the better duo? @ivskitchen1915 say both!
Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato basil soup vs hot chocolate paired with a grilled cheese sandwich… Who’s the better duo? @ivskitchen1915 say both!
Terrible recipe
A suggestion fr maiko ur basil soup more fragrant and tasty add minced garlic it would give it more of flavour
Did you.. just.. dip that grilled cheese.. in chocolate milk?
cheese and chocolate not approved
Where can i get tomato paste in a tube? It always goes bad from the can cuz i only ever need like a spoonful. I want this tube lol
Call me crazy but … chicken nuggets and chocolate milk / chocolate ice cream
Tomato soup and grilled cheese is my favorite.
😊 I Love Mustard (plockmens🥴).
Gives the sandwich..a Twang.
Hear me out …pizza and applesauce
To those saying chocolate and cheese is gross. I raise you chocolate cheesecake.
That’s Nasty lol but you go girl!
Chocolate and cheese is a really popular combo in Indonesia though. Especially on breads. People are missing out on this amazing combo.
Wth is tomato paste?
You need to add a bit of baking soda to neutralise the acidity….
i'm with you! cheese, chocolate and peanuts is very common combo for dessert here in my country. we put them in crepes, our version of pancake called martabak manis/terang bulan, and bunch more! these people are missing out on how good that combo is 😂
You should have mentioned this is an ad for Napolons tomato paste. This a level of unprofessionalism I wouldn't expect from such an established company
Cheese and chocolate are you okay?
Ok, but grilled cheese—with syrup. TRUST ME, it totally makes sense
Find "salmorejo" better 😂
Thank you for the update, Tasty..!! Looks super delicious..!!
So good and delicious 😋👍
Girl you need to be stopped. Literally THE WORST recipes. It’s literally like you’re trying to troll us.
Tomato soup doesn't need added sugar. If your fresh tomatoes aren't sweet, canned tomatoes make great tomato soup – America's test kitchen has a recipe
Napoleon's tomato paste 💀
“Literally any other duo” is a great response.
Chocolate milk and grilled cheese 🤢🤮