Can you help me get 300 likes on this video? Full Vegan Scrambled Eggs Recipe Here: Full Vegan Bacon …
Vegan Breakfast: Epic Breakfast Sandwich | The Edgy Veg

Can you help me get 300 likes on this video? Full Vegan Scrambled Eggs Recipe Here: Full Vegan Bacon …
you forgot "some tschack danieellss" 😀
dayyum! i love it!
why have I only seen this now!! farken hilarious. heaps good!
You're cute and awesome!
HAHAHA this was too perfect! Also, anything with Siracha is love life and happiness 😀
I really wanted to enjoy this video but the voice and the theatrics made me click off. But if there's another video with this recipe someone please guide me, I want to know how it turned out.
EMT is by far the WORST channel I hv ever seen…..I have never in my life seen so much WASTED food and wasted dead animal….They are fucking disgusting!
Boo this person! That was paltry, NOT epic!. AND you were suppose to eat it. WTF ?!?!!? BOOO!!!!!
Haha, oh my.. Amazing! The music was appropriate..  😛
you didn't cook anything though, what are the eggs? how did you cook it? all of it
She's so funny? You're funny!
Not a vegan but it looks delicious 😀 (just no tomato for me) double potatoes!!!
Thanks for another awesome video! I would love for you guys to check out my channel! i am giving away a yonanas healthy dessert maker! it turns frozen fruit into nice cream! Check out my latest video for more info
You remind me of Chelsey Handler 🙂
You're fucking stupid
i love ur videos! they make me laugh every time XD please do a video for vegan seitan ribs!Â
This video made me a meat eater again.
Needs more Hay Bacon Strips
(Or Eggplant Bacon in this instance)
mah nigguh fat ass
You should workout, too skinny. But damn that face.
this is so stupid, why would you upload something like this. take this video down if you want to reserve your self dignity.
sooooooo random!
Real men eat meat.
How boring, I feel sorry for vegans for missing out.
if cows aren't supposed to be eaten, why are they made of food?
too much carbs not enough protein,Â
wouldve been better with real bacon instead of eggplant bacon. like wtf lol
i feel this is plagiarism to some degree…would it have killed you to be original?
This girl is hot and sexy,but the show,needs work…
Eat real food like normal people we might give a shit then
Yeah, can't say I enjoyed this, pretty annoying actually. Instead of a lame voice, you should shoot the veggies out of a cannon or something, that would make it epic.
This is actually funny, good job.
fuck off bitch
I think your cameraman was a little distracted 0:42
Lmao at your voice, liked your channel subscribed and thumbs up…Happy Holidays =)
Looks awesome! But I was wondering if you could make a video for my girlfriend on how to has a good sense of humor like you? hehe ahh just don't tell her I said that…..
I'm not a vegan. I eat for health, not for ethics/morals. Even though I try to be ethical with my food. I eat REAL eggs from local hens (this is still considered vegan). As far as health is concerned, I can't have soy, potatoes, etc. because I have a chronic illness. I think you're hilarious, though!! Maybe consider making an epic gluten-free, dairy-free, healthy breakfast! Yeah!! I actually wish we were friends IRL. lol.
that was creepy…
I hope this won't be taken the wrong way, and is meant solely offered as an observation – but, I have to say this is one of the most annoying, uninformative vegan food videos I have watched (period). Just some, ahem, food for thought. Take it for whatever it's worth. Have a great day and Merry Xmas.
R u vegan?
Cute…I laughed a bit. You had fun making this video.
i think its so funny whats wrong with you guys 😀
Ok, please tell me you didn't use the same spoon you ate off for dishing out the tofu scramble. Otherwise, it's a very interesting yet disturbing way to present food. Keep Cooking!!!
Cook for me, I cook for you.. see what happensÂ
This reminds me of a combination of "batdad" and epic meal time, next time wear a batman mask and call it "Batwoman makes a Sandwich" The internet will love it, Either way I'm subscribedÂ
Epic indeed! The eggplant bacon looks especially delicious. Thanks for inviting me to check this video out. I've totally just subscribed and will share this vid. Be well!
Great brekkie!…… You're sooo cute and you have that clear beautiful skin that only a vegan can have… I think I want you…Im gay by the way 🙂