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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I really wanted to enjoy this video but the voice and the theatrics made me click off. But if there's another video with this recipe someone please guide me, I want to know how it turned out.

  2. Yeah, can't say I enjoyed this, pretty annoying actually. Instead of a lame voice, you should shoot the veggies out of a cannon or something, that would make it epic.

  3. Looks awesome! But I was wondering if you could make a video for my girlfriend on how to has a good sense of humor like you? hehe ahh just don't tell her I said that…..

  4. I'm not a vegan. I eat for health, not for ethics/morals. Even though I try to be ethical with my food. I eat REAL eggs from local hens (this is still considered vegan). As far as health is concerned, I can't have soy, potatoes, etc. because I have a chronic illness. I think you're hilarious, though!! Maybe consider making an epic gluten-free, dairy-free, healthy breakfast! Yeah!! I actually wish we were friends IRL. lol.

  5. I hope this won't be taken the wrong way, and is meant solely offered as an observation – but, I have to say this is one of the most annoying, uninformative vegan food videos I have watched (period). Just some, ahem, food for thought. Take it for whatever it's worth. Have a great day and Merry Xmas.

  6. Ok, please tell me you didn't use the same spoon you ate off for dishing out the tofu scramble. Otherwise, it's a very interesting yet disturbing way to present food. Keep Cooking!!!

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