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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I stupidly bought roasted cashews by mistake, but I figured I'd try it, soaked them, and it came out really tasty (nothing like sour cream texture) but it was more like a spicy cashew tahini sauce lol.

  2. I just had the weirdest thought:  Are vegans singlehandedly keeping the global cashew growing industry running? Ha!  I made cashew crema to have on some chilli bean and guacamole topped nachos today for lunch, and felt very smug knowing my coworkers had had cold cut sandwiches or Hot Pockets[smiles slyly].  Will try making this instead of what I made today next time I feel like nachos.  Thanks for posting!

  3. Today I wanted to make Vegannaise and I came to your channel and found out…
    YOU DON'T HAVE A RECIPE FOR IT! OH NO! Then I thought it's cool, I am sure someone else has a great video about it on in this beautiful Vegan Youtube community and I found NOTHING GOOD. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF MAYO HELP ME WITH THIS OR I FEEL MY SANDWICHES AND I CANNOT GO ON.

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