VEGAN Dill Pickle Pizza Recipe | Weird Food Combos | The Edgy Veg

This pizza broke the internet and I tried making it…Is this the weirdest food combo you’ve ever seen? Let’s see if I can make the …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I can’t wait to try this!! I just need to find a good vegan gluten free dough recipe first.
    I’m so damn excited… I loooove pickles.
    When you said, “byyyyeee” I said “baaiii” and almost waved. 😂
    This is my Friday or Saturday “Drink alone with my cat” meal for (hopefully) next week.
    Now, Big Mac pizza… I’m so ready for that. 🤤

  2. Okay. I'm Italian and I've been very conservative with my pizza choices (as conservative as a vegan can be about pizza) and I really love pickles. I want to hate this but I know I'll make it and probably enjoy it too. But this is were I draw the line. I hope this won't make me try pineapple pizza.

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