If you help me get to 100 likes on this video, I’ll make a Vegan Mocha Chip recipe next!! 🙂 How to make an easy vegan …
Vegan Frappuccino Starbucks Recipe | The Edgy Veg

If you help me get to 100 likes on this video, I’ll make a Vegan Mocha Chip recipe next!! 🙂 How to make an easy vegan …
I think the taste is better ❤
Hi!! Have you tried the Starbucks Vegan Shamrock ☘️ Shake? I have not but I'm hoping it has coffee in it too.
I was unable to make out what she was saying after “2 shots expresso”. About 2 tablesp of ?? Recording is not clear.
Love this video , thank you so much !!!!!!
Great vid
Good idea! But for the cream on top, vegan whip exists and is a lot less heavy and more delish!
Where can I get espresso shots?
One sip, 1000 calories 😂 damn I’m gonna get out of quarantine ten pounds heavier
So weird watching her old videos because she seems so different now (in a good way), she doesn't seem like herself here
Thanks soooo much, i make these in batches for my busy week, and they keep. Your recipe is delicious, thumbs up on helping curb my cravings and not cheat at Starbucks.
Vegan? I didn't know there was meat in a frapp
So I usually don’t enjoy vegan channels not because I’m not vegan( more than half my life I’ve been) but because it’s not entertaining, like I know vegan food can be good, c’mon fam let’s show we enjoy the food
why does she kinda remind me of zoe deschanel tho
Alguien que hable español y entienda lo que dice? quiero hacer la receta para una amiga y no entiendo nada:((
wait but what was the point of buying the non vegan frap…?
This comment section is exactly why people hate vegans 🙂
Yes fatty cream you coconut cream at top is yummy!!!! Taste so good. I don't care what ppl saying. Because they just want to cover it how bad it is to drink regular milk & meat eater to feel better.
I just say. IF? IF Coconut oil, coconut milk is bad. Okay, let it be. But it can not bad than whipping cream. If it bad then both is bad at same level LOL
I can drink these yummy drink all day, anytime!!! I have 2cup a day (depend whatever matcha latte or frappuccino matcha/chocolate mocha/mango, strawberry,etc..) & 1 or 2cup vegan coffee. And still thin (I'm 5feet, 42kg) not gain any weight. Btw, I don't add sugar.
this bitch got fatter and older as fuck
That cartoon in this 🤣
This looks delicious…I'm always asking for dairy alternatives at cafe shops. Ever experiment with different crusts from veggies, for let's say, pizza?
A little more audio would be good.
Starbucks also sells their sauces ! I drink a vegan caramel Frappuccino at Starbucks daily I gotta start making them
they have almond milk, soy milk and coconut milk…
you can just order one with soy milk…. that is what i do for my sister who is allergic to milk.
Or you could go to a Starbucks and order it soy with no whipped cream.
This really irritated me lol
I wish they could make these at the actual Starbucks, when you're on the go… Or do they? I would assume not?
OMG this is so long ago, super cute!
What sugar do u use? Whats the best healthy sugar for coffee? The best taste
there was no need to buy the one with real milk, that's the point of being a vegan, not to CONSUME or BUY those products
Okay so lets just say I made this instead of buying a frappe, then will everyone stop going on about how she bought one? Now it's all balanced out and everyone can chill the fuck out
Why did you support the industry by buying a non vegan frapp…. Kind of hypocritical dont you think
these comments lol. SOME vegans are so annoying and are why they get so much hate as a group.
good video, the music was distracting though
I feel like a total stalker, but after watching the begin of the video it looks like you live in my city! Haha.
this tastes nothing like the frapp because they add sugar as well and the whipped cream the cocout milk tates NOTHING like the real one, you would have to add sweeteners for it to taste somewhat similar.. and if you leave it for an hour it will do nothing, you have to leave it overnight for it to separate the fats from the water. youre welcome people
The more I look at vegan videos the more I see I don't have to give up the flavors I enjoy. I just need to be more creative in the kitchen. Thanks!