Vegan Frappuccino Starbucks Recipe | The Edgy Veg

If you help me get to 100 likes on this video, I’ll make a Vegan Mocha Chip recipe next!! 🙂 How to make an easy vegan …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. Thanks soooo much, i make these in batches for my busy week, and they keep. Your recipe is delicious, thumbs up on helping curb my cravings and not cheat at Starbucks.

  2. So I usually don’t enjoy vegan channels not because I’m not vegan( more than half my life I’ve been) but because it’s not entertaining, like I know vegan food can be good, c’mon fam let’s show we enjoy the food

  3. Yes fatty cream you coconut cream at top is yummy!!!! Taste so good. I don't care what ppl saying. Because they just want to cover it how bad it is to drink regular milk & meat eater to feel better.
    I just say. IF? IF Coconut oil, coconut milk is bad. Okay, let it be. But it can not bad than whipping cream. If it bad then both is bad at same level LOL
    I can drink these yummy drink all day, anytime!!! I have 2cup a day (depend whatever matcha latte or frappuccino matcha/chocolate mocha/mango, strawberry,etc..) & 1 or 2cup vegan coffee. And still thin (I'm 5feet, 42kg) not gain any weight. Btw, I don't add sugar.

  4. This looks delicious…I'm always asking for dairy alternatives at cafe shops. Ever experiment with different crusts from veggies, for let's say, pizza?

  5. this tastes nothing like the frapp because they add sugar as well and the whipped cream the cocout milk tates NOTHING like the real one, you would have to add sweeteners for it to taste somewhat similar.. and if you leave it for an hour it will do nothing, you have to leave it overnight for it to separate the fats from the water. youre welcome people

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