VEGAN HOLIDAY recipe: Pumpkin Mac & Cheese 3 Delicious Ways | Edgy Veg

Learn how to make a really simple Vegan Pumpkin Mac and Cheese for Thanksgiving!! This Pumpkin Mac and cheese is the …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I seriously love! All of your videos, you are so entertaining. If I ate like this though I would blow up like a house. I have to stick whole vegan foods (mostly raw, salads beans, fruits and veggies). How do you eat this way and stay in such great shape? I would love to splurge and try one, two, or all of your recipes but I'm scared I will blow up like a house…lol Still I love your vids even just for entertainment. 🙂

  2. I'm currently eating this and am super impressed… much tastier than the boxed vegan mac and cheeses I've tried (the End of the Road Chreese ones). I can't taste the pumpkin, but it adds such a lovely colour!

  3. oh man this looks incredible Edgy Veg! i particularly like the sweet potato-based one (probably because i personally believe that sweet potatoes are little buried gifts from god…)  how can something so natural be so damn good?!  anyways, this was supposed to be about you, not potatoes.  sorry.  good job! 🙂

  4. Gonna try the one with the crumbled sage; usually pumpkin recipes with sage garnish feature foufy whole fried sage leaves, but crumbled in this way and stirred into the mac and cheese, holy cow, that would be taste explosion with every bite!  Thanks for posting

  5. Hey girl!

    I love your recipes, i recently made pan fried breaded eggplant, using your fish and chips and filet-o-ish" recipes, and it was DELICIOUS, reminded me exactly of the breaded fish i had as a little girl.

    ANYWHO— i think there is an editing error in this vid!! You never mention or add the daiya….

    We just see te bag sitting there in one scene, and at the end when you are tasting you mention it being in the sauce.

    Sending you xmas hugs! Lol

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