Vegan Pizza Delivery Taste Test | Panago Pizza | The Edgy Veg

In this episode of The Edgy Veg Candice and her friends taste test Panago Pizza. Panago is one of the only Pizza makers in …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I just got back from Calgary to the US. This video is over a year old, and I can't believe we don't have any vegan delivery pizza here in the US yet! We even ordered Panago for a 8-year-old's birthday party–with Hawaiian pizza made with the vegan pepperoni and the standard pepperoni in the vegan special. The girls loved it–and some were relieved to discover it was vegan, as their families were vegan, anyway! (As a side-note, we also had vegan chocolate cupcakes, which were a huge hit, as well–from some fancy cupcake place in the Chinook Mall.) Panago's vegan special comes with a fabulous salad and choice of juice–the orange-mango is amazing. I never liked regular pepperoni, but the vegan kind is actually delicious! Come on, US! We need this! We are just backward compared to Canada!

  2. Also if you live near a Whole Foods they can make vegan pizza for you. Just tell them to leave off the daiya and go grab some of the better cheeses in the vegan aisle for them to put on your pizza.

  3. That looks like daiya cheese…oh I can't watch this 😩😩😂😂. I'm really not a fan of daiya cheese. Ruins pizza's. Better off just eating without the fake cheese.

  4. That's great to know as I've done the exact same thing with head office. I hope you are right and they have actually really changed the recipes. Thank you for posting such informative, and fun videos. Keep up the great work.

  5. I may be wrong, but I'm gonna assume you live somewhere in downtown Toronto. If you do, you need to try APIECALYPSE NOW! on Bloor W and Christie. Best vegan pizza ever. All they make/sell is vegan pizzas (and donuts), and they do VERY WELL.

  6. Check your local pizza places! Many local places offer vegan cheese. And always try asking, sometimes they carry it but it's not on the menu. Or, do what I do and order from a chain place and add vegan cheese at home. (:

  7. This is to be expected from me: Daiya Cheese? NOPE! Respect to the pizza chain for even bothering to offer an entire line of vegan/gf offerings, though.[Insert ubiquitous "Canada: What the US could be if we tried harder"] Now, they come up with a less plastic pizza cheese alternative to the heinous Daiya, I may move to Canada just for this. Not kidding. Thanks for posting–do more of these : )

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