Vegan Recipe: Best Breakfast Burrito | The Edgy Veg

Learn how to make dairy free & egg free vegan Breakfast Burrito at home using these simple and healthy vegan ingredients and …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. Are those processed products good. But the whole point of being a vegan would be to eat healthier and stay away from processed foods. But thanks for sharing

  2. Try using Baru Nuts, been using them since I discovered them in Brazil the taste is amazing and goes well with everything nutritionally they are out of this world.

  3. I'm trying vegetarianism and so far I feel great! But I see this lady spending 15+ minutes on breakfast (10+ minutes cooking wanna-be eggs). That doesn't make sense… Regular chicken eggs are natural, and it doesn't hurt the chicken. Not to mention, the chicken's going to lay eggs anyways…
    My main point is that this takes way too long to make. I respect her views and this video (And the food looked good), but I don't understand why she would think it's a good idea to put so much time into that which could be so simple.

    No offense to anyone. I do still think this is a good video.

  4. Can we start some kind of petition to have more vegan products in Canada, please???? Ordering online costs way too much. Maybe we need to petition more people to become vegan…? "If you build it, they will come"… I think that quote could work both ways. BTW, love love love your channel! Xoxo

  5. Thank God you are here!!
    I am a mother of 5 sons and about two months ago 2 of my sons and myself chose to go vegetarian. Having to make two lots of meals ( 1 for the meateaters, and 1 for the vegetarians ) is now becoming a chore and I despaired if I would ever convince my other sons that it would be healthier for them to become vegetarians as well.
    I try to make as many meatless meals as possible each week and now I am running out of ideas.
    I accidentally came across you and I couldn't be happier.
    Now, there can be NO EXCUSES in this home to eat healthier and wiser.
    I hope that my family can continue on our journey with you as you truly are a breath of fresh air!!!

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