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Vegan Recipe: Mango Lassi | The Edgy Veg

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Didn’t expect anything less from a lady with no lips
For the coconut milk do you use the kind from a jug or a can?
I can't find cardamom anywhere!! =( where did you get yours?
Hey, what type of mango did you use? It either looks like Ataulfo or Kesar but please clarify because some varieties don't taste good in mango lassies
I love Indian food and I've been looking for a simple vegan mango lassi recipe foreverrr.
Yummy! I'm glad to see a mango recipe. I think mangos are delish in the summer. This will be a great breakfast alternative.
I love mango and am excited to try this out! I've been subbed to you for a while and noticed that your personality/humor was a little more muted in this video. It showed a really good balance of personality and getting straight to business. I LOVED IT, hope to see more videos like this 🙂
I love mango lassi, i not vegan but i am vegetarian.. I will try this vegan version..
I cannot wait to give this a try. Mangos are some of my most favorite fruits.
Yummy!!! ñ_ñ
I love mango lussi I used to drink it almost every day in india 🙂
Love this recipe!
I made a fresh non dairy ice cream today using bananas and one top i added fresh mint and diced mango and peaches
I've really missed mango lassi–my favorite thing in an Indian carry-out–and it never occurred to me that it can be be veganized thusly. Thanks so much for posting this!
No offense because this looks good, but I'm getting kind of tired of mangoes, it might be time for a break. Can you make a kale chip recipe with different seasonings? Mine always get too crispy and turn to dust when I eat them.
I used to LOVE mango lassi! As in every single time I went to my fave Indian food restaurant I had to have one. Thanks for this video on how to make a vegan version! <3
this looks good;
do you have any raw salad dressing recipes