Vegan / Vegetarian Grocery Haul -January | The Edgy Veg

A vegan grocery haul! James and I picked a few vegan snack and vegan packages goods from the grocery store, and I wanted to …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. just a quick heads up the squeeze baby fruit that you bought I have also bought and shared with grandson I used mine as a topping on my steel-cut oats yummy I like the mango its just mango puree awsome

  2. Careful with the Amy's Macaroni and Soy – according to the Amy's website, it still has casein in it, so it's lactose free but it's not dairy-free (you got my hopes up, I thought they'd maybe changed the recipe, haha!)

  3. do you spend more money on those products? or it's the same price as the non-vegan products. I am from Brazil and I am trying to become veg. but here veg. products like those are so expensive… thank you, you help me a lot to keep going πŸ™‚

  4. I know I'm late to the commenting game, but I am the SAME WAY when it comes to marketing! If a product's packaging is interesting, I will likely try the product, even if I know that the packaging claims will be bogus. I'm just such a sucker for creative marketing.

  5. veganism is great in theory but for someone living below the poverty line it's just not realistic. i tried for a month and ended up accidentally starving myself because i couldn't afford to maintain the lifestyle

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