Hey everyone, today’s video is a realistic what I eat in a day for days that I workout. I take you along for one of my workouts and …
Vegan What I Eat In A Day (High Protein meals for days I workout) | Edgy Veg

Hey everyone, today’s video is a realistic what I eat in a day for days that I workout. I take you along for one of my workouts and …
A little bit of Jameson with your morning oats is the casual thing to do right ;)…But what do you guys do to workout and supplement your meals? I want to learn more!
I really like this channel… I am curious towards your reason for vegetarian…or your decision…
gurl that avocado is not ripe
"Bacon bits"? What can possibly be in that? lmao
Yay! I really liked hearing you open up about how you've dealt with a changing physique and what it's meant for your overall health/ wellbeing. Great vid as always 💜
"It's literally just a squeeze of lemon in water and then you drink it. It's…easy."
So you might say it's…..
Easy peasy lemon squeezie?
I deadass thought you said "my dad is a maple syrup bummer", like he comes around your place and takes swigs out of your maple syrup bottle so you have to disguise it as whiskey. My dad legit does this so I believed it hahaha
Feeling good, eating in abundance has changed my life – I’ve never had this much energy, vitality, happiness, muscle mass and the progress speaks for itself.
Your body looks awesome
I’m so glad I found your channel bc I’m starting to go vegan and I’m struggling to find resources that aren’t either very guilt-trippy or full of difficult recipes that don’t even sound good. I also love your philosophy of eating intuitively and doing what feels good, your channel just makes me excited about cooking and eating vegan food!
Surprise, bacon bits are just soy, most of them are vegan
You look infertile and you hide it behind that cake-face of a foundation. Stop eating this slop and grow the fuck up – your not a child anymore, stop eating goop.
You should do a shopping list outing of how much it costs. Beans work for me since I have been little.
I want to marry you… and great channel by the way hehe. I love to watch positive content as this, it really makes a difference in people's lifes.
Greetings! I am a new subscriber and thought I heard you mention in one of your videos about a protein powder called Tao ? Am I correct? Could you share a link to that please? I haven't been able to find it on the web.
What anti vegan cult leader sent all their viewers here? It's so negative up in here
You mean "How i starve in a day"
I went through the same thing as I started weights but it starts to feel great to see definition x
Wow, you look great for a woman in her middle age. Beats all the other 45 year olds that are always so grumpy and depressed. Keep it up!
oh god.. anther Vegan slug meal.. you must be pooping that shit out all day.. i wonder how fast you will get diabetes with all the sugar you eat everyday. holy crap lady.
I want to start exercising again but my protein intake was always bad unless i drank a bunch of protein shakes before so i will def try some of these out when i work out.
Your food is very high in oxalic acid! You will run into trouble sooner of later if you don't change to a low oxalate diet.
Why not just eat a real hamburger? Real bacon? Have you looked into the real nutrients found in meat? The vegan cult is a mental disorder, and you’ve fell for it. What did humans eat 1000 years ago? Meat, dairy, eggs.
the meat craving…omg
New World Order Diet for Fools. This is not a healthy diet. Where's the Retinol? Where's the EPA/DHA? Where's the B12? Where's the K2? If you're following this diet, you've been played! Don't be a fool.
High Sugar
Plant Pesticides
Indigestible Fiber
Meat feels right to me.
You drink the drug caffeine in your coffee because you can't produce your own energy. The drug caffeine produces stress hormones. The food you eat doesn't produce energy. There's no such thing as dairy-free milk. What ever that is, that is not milk. Why would you want to eat something that resembles an animal product? Because you're demented. Your food is nothing but fiber and sugar which has no nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. That avocado will never replace the fat that your body ate from itself when you starved it of real animal fats. Why would you eat a product that looks like a pig product, bacon, when you're against eating animals? You're insane. You're craving real animal protein and fats yet your retardation prevents you from seeing how stupid you are. Again why do you insist on eating fake burgers, in essence garbage when you're admitting you crave the real thing? If you'd say I want to eat this raw plant because I love raw plants then you'd at least wouldn't sound like a total hypocrite. Plants don't have over 15 nutrients that animal products do.. Wake up.
is it intuitive to eat a chemical sludge instead of a piece of meat that you clearly crave?
Hey Candice. You have become so popular amongst the the carnivore community. Even 'Goatis' has featured you in one of his recent videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeAWaoYpNeY
You look so cool and fresh and glowy 🥰
"My dad is a…" i thought you were going to say alcoholic in regards to the whiskey bottle. That could have taken a dark turn.
What is your favorite oatmeal? I tried a few didn’t like them.
You look so much like Jessi Smiles with no makeup on!
Love this video so much!!! I definitely need to eat breakfast but I feel like if I eat it before I workout I won’t want to 😂
You're so beautiful, strong, and so much fun!!!!
Can I just come over to your house and have breakfast with you? 😂❤ thanks for keepin it real
By edabeans lol <3
You have anxiety because you are not eating meat
Your teeth are sensitive due to lack of Vitamin k2 which you can’t find eating only plants.
Best way to cook brussel sprouts: slice them really thin so they’re all shaved into thin bits. Lay them on a baking tray, spray them lightly with a spray oil. Then toss them under the broiler on low. They cook fast and get charred. This makes them lose pretty much all the sulfur taste that they typically have. Just beware that I have a flame less broiler in my oven. If you have an open flame broiler, it may totally burn the veg. But I’d guess if you put the tray far enough away from the flame, it’ll work just fine
It’s so important to be regular🤣😂! Facts!!!
Loved this! I would also love to see what you eat on a day that you’re not planning on being that active, like rest day meals 😁 I love that your dad makes maple syrup! You’re so lucky to have that resource!
"My dad is a maple syrup farmer" may be the most Canadian thing I've ever heard you say. lollll
Burgers are the second best food. Nachos then burgers LOL
THIS IS SO HELPFUL! Especially because it’s paired with doing swat/CrossFit style workouts. Please do more!!
Omg love your hair colour! How do you style it?? Total goals 😀
Your body is literally my goals. Muscular but not overly toned. It's perfect! 😍
Can you do a video on what to feed your dog as a vegan?