What I Eat in a Day | Easy Vegan Recipes | Episode 3 | The Edgy Veg

The Edgy Veg has been hard at work in the kitchen putting together another “What I eat in a Day” video. This one features all …


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About the Author: Edgy Veg


  1. I don't think getting all fake stuff that's vegan and using it for everything should be considered being vegan cause if you can't go without meat cheese and eggs why go vegan? I get like for animals but if your gonna do that go vegitarian not vegan because all that fake stuff has less benefits if your making meals out of them at least that's my point of view so pls no hate just my opinion but do whatever you want.

  2. I just wanted to let you know that your videos have helped me immensely. I have a very difficult relationship with food, mostly due to depression/anxiety. You are sometimes a very bright light in an awful day. Thank you so so much, Candice. Keep doing what you do because I'm sure there are more people that get a giggle out of your silliness and a smile from your food <3

  3. This is the second video I've seen of this women and I'm in love. Another vegan thats not crazy health conscious and Jamaican beed patties, subbing right now.

  4. Aww, you seemed in a not so good mood in the beginning :(. I don't blame you though considering your first meal was at like 12. I always get cranky when I'm hungry. Your the the one who showed me the tofu "egg" scramble and I am in love with it. It's so good with spinach, zucchini, and some vegan cheese. You've also inspired me to be a more free vegan. I used to eat more of a 80/10/10 vegan diet. But now I'm eating a more balanced vegan approach and I really enjoy it better. Your videos are perfection.

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